Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Capstone Seminar in Christian Life

I've never kept this blog as updated as I intended to (that's the story of the life of all my poor blogs...). But now that I'm in my last semester, I think I have a class in which I actually care deeply enough about what it is that I'm writing to post it so others can read it and perhaps be helped or blessed.

At John Brown University, "Capstone Seminar in Christian Life" is a senior-level course which all students are required to take. It is the bookend at the end of our college experience which is supposed to prepare us to be launched into the world.

I got credit for it by taking an honors course which integrates two upper division core requirements into one, two-semester class. But it naturally wasn't exactly the same. Then last fall I got to know Dr. Burch a little bit through working in the Biblical Studies Division (I also heard him speak at the student retreat in September), and I really wanted to take a class with him. It's hard to explain why - he just comes across as a very caring, very intelligent, but very down-to-earth guy. 

This semester he is teaching Capstone, and I had a few extra hours lying around in my last semester, so I decided to audit the class. Last Wednesday we had our first day, and I have never been more excited about a class in my life. Dr. Burch is going to be providing an opportunity for us to carefully and intentionally examine our spiritual lives and the journey we have been on and to look toward where we want/need to go. He's going to be having us do a lot of reflection, and I love that kind of stuff.

Anyhow, nearly every class period we will be turning in what he calls CQI's (Claims, Questions, Insights) over the reading for that day. Our reading will primarily come from Invitation to a Journey: A Road Map for Spiritual Formation by Robert Mulholland. And I am hoping/planning to post those on here. We'll see how it goes :)

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