Sunday, September 12, 2010

HO Week 3 (9/10)

My Spiritual Gifts

[yep, I'm a little late on this one too.]

For the next couple of weeks, we are going to be talking about "calling" (as in vocation and/or spiritual gifts). We are reading Os Guinness' book Rising to the Call, and the students take a spiritual gifts assessment. This post is a response to the second part.

Dr. Gambill, the instructor, provided links to two online gift inventories. One is a bit more charismatic, and the other is designed to help people know where to plug into their church (so it only addresses what they call "Team Gifts"). I took both tests, and I have the results from the one I took last year as a freshman in the class. It's just interesting seeing how the different ones end up with slightly different results.

Last year, my top three gifts were listed as Serving, Giving, and Faith. On the first one this year, it came up with Faith, Helps (basically Serving), and Music (Pastoring was 4th). The second test was Administration, Shepherding (Pastoring), and Serving [this test had a disclaimer that lots of women get Shepherding because it's similar to nurturing instincts].

I basically agree with what these tests came up with. The last test I took had several paragraphs about each of the gifts, including some tendencies and possible pitfalls, and I certainly identified with those! Last year when I took it, I was surprised to see Faith on there...but I have come to realize that is a big part of who I am. Serving is also definitely one of the things I do a lot. I love helping other people in whatever ways I can. I love to Give other people presents to show I care about them. I'm not too surprised about Administration either. I am an organized person who likes to take charge sometimes!

The only one I'm not so sure about is Shepherding. I think the reason I feel uncertain about it is that I feel strongly that women should not have leadership over men. And yet I so often see that I have leadership tendencies! Sometimes I wonder why in the world God would give me leadership gifts and yet make me a woman. [By the way, leadership was 4th on the list from last year, 16th on the first test this year (too low I think), and I think it was basically included in Administration on the second test.] I'm coming to realize that there really are ways where I can stay true to both my belief and my gift. For example, what I'm doing this semester! My mentor group is all girls, and so I feel comfortable guiding and directing them.

[Sorry girls, I know I went way over the word limit on this one!]

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