{Uncle George, one of our Institute teachers, encouraged us
yesterday to think about/write a psalm praising the Lord to share with class
this morning. So here is a small offering of worship to my King, Savior, &
Advocate. A few of my lines are direct quotes or "Esther paraphrases" of Scripture verses, as I'm sure you will notice.}
O God, You are my God.
You are
the faithful One,
Regardless my wandering heart.
Regardless my wandering heart.
You are the all-seeing One,
Even when I try to hide myself.
Magnificent Creator
Holy in Righteousness
This is our God.
Magnificent Creator
Holy in Righteousness
This is our God.
Yet Christ came, for the glory of His Father:
Born of a woman, born under the law,
Bound into the confines of an earthly body;
Subject to the temptations of humanity,
In all things as we were, yet without sin;
You laid down Your life to redeem sinners,
To show us the Father and bring us into adoption;
Creator God, Come as a humble Servant
And crucified;
Oh my Savior, such a mystery I cannot comprehend.
Born of a woman, born under the law,
Bound into the confines of an earthly body;
Subject to the temptations of humanity,
In all things as we were, yet without sin;
You laid down Your life to redeem sinners,
To show us the Father and bring us into adoption;
Creator God, Come as a humble Servant
And crucified;
Oh my Savior, such a mystery I cannot comprehend.
And when You ascended in glory,
You did not leave us alone.
You gave us Your Holy Spirit:
Paraclete, our Advocate and Helper.
He lives within our hearts.
You did not leave us alone.
You gave us Your Holy Spirit:
Paraclete, our Advocate and Helper.
He lives within our hearts.
O Triune God, I pray:
Give me eyes to see;
ears to hear;
and a heart which seeks after You;
That my mouth may declare Your glory alone.
Give me eyes to see;
ears to hear;
and a heart which seeks after You;
That my mouth may declare Your glory alone.