Wednesday, February 25, 2015

An {Uninspired} Psalm

{Uncle George, one of our Institute teachers, encouraged us yesterday to think about/write a psalm praising the Lord to share with class this morning. So here is a small offering of worship to my King, Savior, & Advocate. A few of my lines are direct quotes or "Esther paraphrases" of Scripture verses, as I'm sure you will notice.}

O God, You are my God.

                You are the faithful One,
                Regardless my wandering heart.

You are the all-seeing One,
Even when I try to hide myself.

                Eternally Existent
                                Magnificent Creator
                                        Holy in Righteousness
                                                This is our God.

Yet Christ came, for the glory of His Father:
        Born of a woman, born under the law,
        Bound into the confines of an earthly body;
        Subject to the temptations of humanity,
        In all things as we were, yet without sin;
        You laid down Your life to redeem sinners,
        To show us the Father and bring us into adoption;
        Creator God, Come as a humble Servant
                And crucified;
        Oh my Savior, such a mystery I cannot comprehend.

And when You ascended in glory,
You did not leave us alone.
        You gave us Your Holy Spirit:
                Paraclete, our Advocate and Helper.
He lives within our hearts.

O Triune God, I pray:
        Give me eyes to see;
        ears to hear;
        and a heart which seeks after You;
That my mouth may declare Your glory alone.